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Jamelah Henry

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Hello! My name is Jamelah Henry, and I will be your primary career coach and skills trainer. Many of my coaching sessions, career and business skills workshops will include some of my colleagues who are also passionate about assisting you along in your career and/or business journey.
My goal as a coach is to give you access to tools and resources that will allow you to have job satisfaction, peace of mind, and the pay you deserve. Yes, you really can have it all! 

For myself, I specialize in producing "All-Star" employees for the workplace. I'm actually a product of a job training program from early in my career. I used the skill sets that I learned and was immediately recognized by top employers. After a few short years in the workforce, I was promoted to a management position. I spent the last 19 years of my career working as a manager, trainer, recruiter, and entrepreneur specializing in hiring, training, coaching, and developing both existing and new hire employees to bring their best to the workplace.

I earned a B.S. in Human Resource Management from Wilmington University and a member of the Delta Epsilon Rho Honor Society. In 2021, I was certified as a SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Professional. In 2022, I received my credential as a Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate and completed Google's Digital Marketing & E-Commerce credential in 2024. In my spare time, I like giving back to my community supporting causes such as Poverty Alleviation, Economic Empowerment, Civil Rights & Social Action.
Jamelah Henry
Connect with me by subscribing to my YouTube channel. The first part of the year I am sharing a multi-video series on my career journey and sharing tips on how I was able to overcome challenges while on my journey. The tips shared will be useful with helping you moving along in your career and/or business!
JH Career Coaching Services Client ONLY Page
Follow our page, which is a community of prior clients. Many of the posts are blog updates, motivational messages, job opportunities and so much more. 
Jamelah Henry, SHRM-CP 
If you happen to be on LinkedIn, I would love to connect with you! Send me a request.
Connect with me on Instagram for motivation while moving along in your career journey. Whether you're looking for a job or looking to change career fields you will need daily motivation to keep you on the right track and prevent you from giving up. I believe in you, now it's time to believe in yourself! 
Job Seekers Guide to Career Success
Connect with 700+ other job seekers in the Private Facebook group. You will receive updates on upcoming job fairs, career tips, video content and more. 
On Twitter? If so, connect with me. While you're at it, check out my followers and connect with other career professionals. The more you're connected, the more opportunities will come your way. Many of my posts are career related questions targeted to millenials to get a better understanding of what the current needs for job seekers are. 
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