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Updated: Feb 13, 2021

Have you ever had that feeling that something is missing in your life? You can't quite figure it out because you have so much to be thankful for but you're not quite content. You don't want to complain because there are people who would love to be where you are, but you need to figure out exactly what it is that's missing in your life. Let me tell you that I've been there and once I figured out what was missing, my life changed. I know you're probably wondering what it could be. Okay, you waited long enough. The thing that your missing in your life is called PASSION. Passion is defined as 1.) an intense desire or enthusiasm for something 2.) a state or outburst of strong emotion. Continue reading on how I was able to identify, act on and then live in my passion. Then maybe you can identify and make some changes as well. 1.) Some people have multiple talents but don't have a passion for at least one. For myself, my passion is helping others build or reach that next level in their career. How did I know this was my passion? Well, I was in an unfavorable situation in my past with an employer and from that experience, I decided to go back to college after dropping out 10 years prior and changed my major to Human Resource Management. I was in tune with learning more about the subject and the more I learned the more I realized it was my passion. It became natural for me and I graduated with honors because I gave it my all. That's what happens when you have a passion it comes quite naturally to you and you give it your all! 2.) Once you identify your passion you want to act on it or incorporate it into your daily routine. Even if it's an hour a day you want to spend some time doing what you love for self-fulfillment. For myself after graduation and identifying my passion I continued my life as if I were still in college instead, I was educating myself. I watched HR videos, read books/blog posts, researched laws/regulations, networked with business owners and other recruiters. I took myself outside of my comfort zone and placed myself in the presence of other like-minded individuals. That's when I discovered another realm to my passion outside of books and research. 3.) Having a passion for something and acting on it definitely, makes life much more fulfilling but what do you do when you start to lose your passion? This can happen you know. For myself, I've been there and that's when I realized that I needed to take my passion to the next level and do more with it. After college and then moving myself outside of my comfort zone I became bored with my daily routine and needed a change. At that point I already equipped myself with the skills, networked with the right people, and was in the position to do more. As the owner of JH Career Coaching Services, I'm able to not only work within my passion daily but also help others achieve their future goals as well. When you have passion, something deep down inside won't let you quit. When you have passion, your entire life could be in a whirlwind, but you feel content. When you have passion, you could lose everything and still feel at peace. When you have passion, people can leave, and you still feel secure. When you have passion, doors can close, and you still have faith. When you have passion, that's when you LIVE and not just EXIST.


Jamelah Henry specializes in producing "All-Star" employees for the workplace. She is a product of a job training program from early in her career. She used the skillsets that she learned and was immediately recognized by top employers. After a few short years in the workforce, she was promoted to a management position. She spent the last 17 years of her career working as a manager, trainer, recruiter, and entrepreneur specializing in hiring, training, coaching and developing both existing and new hire employees to bring their best to the workplace. She is a SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Certified Professional, earned a B.S. in Human Resource Management from Wilmington University and a member of the Delta Epsilon Rho Honor Society. She is also a current member of the National Resume Writers Association (NRWA) and working towards a certification as a National Resume Writer. In her spare time, she likes giving back to her community!

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