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Slow down, be patient, and be intentional!

It's that time of year again! You know, the time where you evaluate your year as a whole and decide whether to feel sorry for yourself or not. This year you may not have done everything you set out to accomplish but guess what you're reading this blog, so it means you survived!

You didn't buy the car you wanted, but you're breathing! You didn't get approved for the house that you wanted, but you're breathing! You went back to school to complete your final credits and didn't see it through, but you're breathing! You were turned down for a job you really wanted or laid off, but again you're still breathing! With so much going on in the world today the biggest goal is that you survived. You still have a heartbeat so that means that you still have time to put yourself out there and try again!

For, 2022 - actually starting today, right now set goals for yourself and start small. Don't jump all in and take the leap and not have enough energy to finish the race. If you're looking for a new job and to make more money, take your time and be intentional about your next role and employer. Many people chase the money and end up in a toxic work environment and the trade-off just isn't worth it. If you're looking to relocate and think it's time to start over in a new city, take your time and do your research. Think long not short term when making decisions. If you're single and your goal is to let your guard down some and start dating again VET, VET, VET. The last thing you need is another setback. So, what's the point!?? Slow down, be patient, be intentional and most importantly be smart in your next decision! You never know where 2022 will lead you!


Jamelah Henry specializes in producing "All-Star" employees for the workplace. She is a product of a job training program from early in her career. She used the skillsets that she learned and was immediately recognized by top employers. After a few short years in the workforce, she was promoted to a management position. She spent the last 18 years of her career working as a manager, trainer, recruiter, and entrepreneur specializing in hiring, training, coaching and developing both existing and new hire employees to bring their best to the workplace.

She is an SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Certified Professional, earned a B.S. in Human Resource Management from Wilmington University and a member of the Delta Epsilon Rho Honor Society. She is also a current member of the National Resume Writers Association (NRWA) and working towards a certification as a National Resume Writer. In her spare time, she likes giving back to her community supporting causes such as Poverty Alleviation, Economic Empowerment, Civil Rights & Social Action.

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