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Take time to make your soul happy!

For the last few months, I decided to take a pause. Not a complete halt but a pause. I still took on referral clients as they came in but took a pause on marketing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do, and hearing from past clients who received new jobs, promotions, and taking on new opportunities knowing I contributed to that is more than a reward for me.

Over the last few months, I enjoyed time with family and friends even more. One thing this pandemic taught most of us is to love on people while they are here because tomorrow is not promised. I enjoyed a nice week-long vacation jet skiing, relaxing on the beach, ziplining, water boat rafting, and more. I didn't realize how much I needed time out for myself until I was there. When I wasn't on vacation or spending time with family and friends, I took time out to read a few good books. I'm an avid reader and for 2022 I promised myself I would return back to what I enjoy the most and one of the books changed my entire outlook on how to balance my life. During my pause, I changed systems and processes within my business to be more efficient and save on time with some of the services rendered. In the process currently adding a few new services that will be useful for future job seekers. I also took time to train my 2 interns helping them to build skills and gain knowledge of the business. JH Career Coaching Services is officially back in business mode and the pause has been lifted. If you're in need of a new resume, career coaching or any other career-related service feel free to reach out. In the meantime, take time out to do something that make your soul happy! #YOLO


Jamelah Henry specializes in producing "All-Star" employees for the workplace. She is a product of a job training program from early in her career. She used the skillsets that she learned and was immediately recognized by top employers. After a few short years in the workforce, she was promoted to a management position. She spent the last 18 years of her career working as a manager, trainer, recruiter, and entrepreneur specializing in hiring, training, coaching and developing both existing and new hire employees to bring their best to the workplace.

She is a SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) Certified Professional, earned a B.S. in Human Resource Management from Wilmington University and a member of the Delta Epsilon Rho Honor Society. She is also a current member of the National Resume Writers Association (NRWA) and working towards a certification as a National Resume Writer. In her spare time, she likes giving back to her community supporting causes such as Poverty Alleviation, Economic Empowerment, Civil Rights & Social Action.

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